
Bolieu名字來自為建立莊園的三代人。其中B代表自1998年起一直掌舵嘅Laurence and Charles Baffard。佢哋嘅釀酒哲學係allow time to do its job, respect the soil, the vines and the grapes. 


 Bolieu的葡萄園有六公頃,位於香檳區最小的區域,即“ Coteaux Vitryats”,鮮為人知,特別之處在於分界屬於Côte des Blancs 地區內, 但現實係的白丘80里外。葡萄園在Bassuet村附近的chalky山坡上生長。葡萄園僅在南坡的中坡種植,主要種植了 Chardonnay 和少量Meunier。葡萄園地質特別之處係佢有別於Cramant, or Menil sur Oger嘅白石灰,佢嘅白石灰中夾雜非常堅硬啡色嘅黏土。因而令葡萄嘅風土有別於一般白丘所生產嘅blanc de blancs香檳!


CHAMPAGNE BOLIEU The perfect blend of three generations

Our champagnes today take their name from the three generations

of men and women that have helped build the business that we love

and cherish. The B’ in Bolieu is for Laurence and Charles Baffard,

who have been running the estate since 1998. The ’O’ is for

Lydia and Serge Ortillon, our relatives and predecessors who grew

the business. And Beaulieu’

was the last name of grandparents

Léone and André, the vineyard’s original founders.

It is the life-long labour and passion of all of these people that have

shaped our Champagne house today. And so, we continue to employ

the same dedication and care that we learned from our elders,

while our brand name Champagne Bolieu offers a constant source of

inspiration for both us and the generation to come.

Nowadays, our estate comprises six hectares of vineyards, planted

predominantly with Chardonnay and some Pinot Meunier.

Our vineyards grow exclusively on the chalky hillsides around

the village of Bassuet, 70 km south-east of Reims. In every aspect

of our champagne growing, our philosophy is to allow time to do

its job and to respect our soil, our vines and our grapes.

We are currently working towards attaining the highest level of

French environmental certification (HVE) and attach great importance

to ensuring our wines are as pure and as representative of their terroir

as possible. Each of our champagnes therefore has a unique

signature style. Along with the freshness and minerality typical


of Blanc des blancs champagnes, there is much, much more to discover.